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Baby Playing with Abacus

Our Babies Room

Our Baby room can hold up to 14 babies; the room is spilt into 3 sections (so the rooms will never get too busy) and has a warm and cosy feeling throughout.  The room is a base for children from 3 months to 2 years years old. The room can split into 2 areas to separate the smaller babies from the toddlers if we had a large mix of development levels in on the same day. The staff are specially trained to care for babies and work closely with the children to ensure they are prepared to move into the next room when they are two.


In the baby room we welcome the children by greeting them at the main door. We have a little chat with the parents to see how their evening/morning has been and to pass over any important information. We come into the baby room where the children are free to play. Some babies come running into the room but some still need a little encouragement. This is where our soft voices, persuasive skills and big hugs come in handy. During the day we encourage the children to wash their hands before and after meal times. Each child gets their own flannel which they are encouraged to wipe their own hands and face. Sometimes they need a little help, but practice makes perfect. We have lots of exciting and engaging activities going on throughout the day for the children to learn and develop their learning. This can be accessing the soft play to extend their physical development, and the sensory room to explore, to painting and showing us their creative side. In our room with have lots of little areas so the children can clearly see the activities they want to access. We have a construction area, home corner, role play area, creative area, snack area, soft play, reading corner and musical area. We plan activities for each child and base this on their learning and interests. Each area is set up with exciting activities that we know the children will enjoy. We then evaluate the activity and write down what went well and what didn't. This way we can change and extend what we put out next time the children are in. The children love singing and before we sit down for lunch and tea we grab ourselves a musical instrument and let the nursery hear our voices. The babies love rattling the maracas and banging the tambourines to the tune of the songs. They wiggle, shake and shout and we all have so much fun!


Our babies love going out for walks and out into the garden, especially in our 8 seater train. This gives the children a chance to get some fresh air and experience the world around them. We count cars, say hello to animals and wildlife.

When we say goodbye we take the children out to their pegs where they can recognise their coats and bags. We take the children to the door and greet their parents. This is a time where we can feedback how the children have been and what they have been learning. It's also a perfect time to tell parents the funny things that their children do throughout the day that make us smile.


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