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Fees Information

Unlike most Nurseries we do not charge an admin or joining fee, nor do we ask for a deposit. We will only hold a place for a child once we have the application form returned to us.


We do not charge by the session. This way you save money by not having to pay for the hours you do not require. ​Instead, we charge by the hour and have different price bands so the more hours you choose, the less the hourly rate becomes. (our minimum hours are 10 hours per week) 

  • BAND A – 15 hours or less               

  • BAND B – 16 to 25 hours                              

  • BAND C – 26 to 35 hours                  

  • BAND D – 36 hours or above        


As a rule, Parents will be charged in the following way:

  1. You will be charged in advance for the coming month

  2. You must have the same the same times and days each week. We no longer offer flexible hours for parents on shift patterns due to the way the funing is claimed.  – We will take the minimum number of hours your child would attend and this will be your contracted hours, charged in advance. Any hours over the minimum contracted hours will be charged as extra, in arrears.

  3. Extra hours will be agreed with Nursery management in advance and will be charged at the normal hourly rate.

  4. Children who receive Government Funded Childcare are charged an hourly rate, per hour for any hours over and above their Funded entitlement. We also ask for a voluntary consumables fee to help cover the costs of consumables which are not covered by the funding we receive from the Government. 


Please see below to download to view our Fees and Funding policy to find our more information, or to request a quote please complete the form below.

Get a Quote


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Image by Ben Wicks

Funding information

UNIVERSAL FUNDING - All 3 and 4 year old children are eligible to receive up to 570 hours of childcare funded by the Government. This is called the Universal funding. We offer these funded hours across the year, or during term time only to help fit in with your personal circumstances. We do this by offering UP TO 11 hours per week across the year or UP TO 15 hours per week during the schools term times. You do not need a code to access this funding.


EXTENDED FUNDING - If you are eligible, your child could then receive a further 570 hours to take across the year. This is called the Extended funding. You will need a code to prove your eligibility. This would be on top of the Universal funding so would top up the funding UP TO to 22 hours all year round, or UP TO 30 hours during the term time. 


2 YEAR FUNDING - Some 2 year old children are eligible to access 2 year old funding depending on your personal circumstances. This works the same as the Universal funding in that you would receive up to 570 hours across the year of Funded childcare either split across the year or during the term time only. You will need an eligibility code to access this funding.


Please download and read our Fees and Funding Policy to find out more information on how we offer the funding, and how to get the required codes. If you have any further questions please contact the Nursery.

Help on Childcare costs

For more information on any of the following, you can either visit

Northamptonshire County Council website or


Universal Credit Help - You, and a partner, must be working, or you’re due to start work, and whether you

can claim will depend on where you live and your personal circumstances. You can claim back up to 85% of your eligible childcare costs for children under 17. You could get up to £646 a month for one child, or £1,108 for two or more.


Tax Free Childcare - For working families, including the self-employed,

in the UK With children under 12 (or

under 17 if disabled) For every £8 you pay in, the government will add an extra £2, and up to £2,000 per child, per year. You can open an online account to pay for registered childcare.

The government will top-up the money you pay into the account.

If you have a disabled child, you can

receive up to £4,000 per child. 

You, and any partner, must each expect to earn (on average) at least £131 per week (equal to 16 hours at the National Minimum or Living Wage).

If you, or your partner, are on maternity, paternity or adoption leave, or you're unable to work because you are disabled or have caring responsibilities, you could still be eligible. You can't get Tax-Free Childcare if either you, or your partner, each individually expect

to earn £100,000 or more. You are not able to use this option if you are already using childcare vouchers (now

unavailable to new applications), or claiming universal credit.

Registration to Mucky Pups Childcare is now open. Browse our forms and information below and download the files you need. If you have any questions, get in touch with a member of our team today.
If you cannot print any of the forms off then please contact the Nursery and we will happily send you a copy.

Application Form

We are currently full in our Jelly Beans room (Pre-school). 
Our Jelly Tots room has limited availability, but our Jelly babies room has plenty of availability due to a new playroom being added for the babies to explore.

Fees & Funding Policy

Before joining Mucky pups, it is important that you are aware of our Fees Policy so you know what to expect and when. Please click download to read the policy which should answer any further questions you may have regarding our fees and how we offer the Funding

Funding Declaration Form

If your child is eligible for Government Funded Childcare then you will need to download and complete the declaration form in full. Without this and all the information we can't claim the Funding on your behalf.

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